Bonegoat review: Powerplay Magazine
Doomherre have the potential to take this genre forward and bring it back to mainstream attention. Watch this space. Mark Lacey – Powerplay Magazine Score: 9/10
Bonegoat review: MetalHead.it
There’s no point in trying to get around it; “Bonegoat” is doom, it is pure doom, a doom that does not forget to be the son of rock, the grandson of the blues… and this, in the end, is exactly what makes this album an absolute pleasure! Luca Zakk – Metalhead.it Score: 7.5/10
Bonegoat review: Metal Temple Magazine
Ultimately, DOOMHERRE’s “Bonegoat” is a late year end surprise and a very strong debut. I don’t know what the future will bring for them but I can bet it will be heavy and promise I’ll be watching their every move. Justin ”Witty City” Wittenmeier – Metal Temple Score: 8/10
Bonegoat review: Musipedia of Metal
Great review from James Jackson over att Musipedia of Metal. Cheers! Happy you enjoy our music! Score: 7/10
Bonegoat review: Metalourgio
Anna from Metalourgio radio, reviewed our latest album, giving it a score of 8 out of 10. Thank you Metalourgio! Score 8/10
Bonegoat review: X-Crash
German based metal site X-Crash reviewed our latest release ’Bonegoat’. TL;DR: They like it! Score: 7.5/10
Bonegoat review: ZENEHALLGATÁS
Hungarian music blog Zenehallgatás had a listen to our latest release ’Bonegoat’ and had this to say about it: Score: 8/10